Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Klse Has Just Passed The Resistance Level

Within these few days the klse has just reached and passed the psychological barrier in the composite index. On January the 21st, 2010 the composite was marked as 1308.42, at the closing hour of the day. After that it fluctuated downward and upward with time. Till on the 8th Mac 2010, the hardcore barrier was reached and passed the line. The wave moves. It won't stopped. Don't forget, the history repeats itself. Don't be greedy. Grab your profits and waits for another upwards moves ready to come!

On the 8th Mac, after hovering supportively from 1312.18 to 1325.69, the composite was found closed at 1324.22 .The moves was also in conjunction with the exclusive performance shown by the Dow Jones, the US Composite Index. Infact all the world's stocks advanced aggresively with profits.

So what's next? I don't like believing the charts to invest on stocks. The charts as a reference to get ready for investment, I would say, yes. The first and for most is to always follow the economic reviews releases by the US Reserve Department, especially by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Bernanke. His talk is energetic and could create a substantial moves in the world's equity markets. The good and the bad, the core is here.This is a very important point to ponder and remember.

Another point to rely is the performance of the stocks. Look at the earning per share, the higher the better, and also, the people involves in the board of that stock. Lastly, select the composite stocks.

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